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Poelina, A. (2024). First Law a gift to healing and transforming climate and just us!. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development.

Damoah, E., Connor, J. D., Sangha, K. K., Cooper, B., & Poelina, A. (2024). Nature’s value, philosophies, theories, and concepts: a critical review and suggestions for future indigenous research, Environmental Research LettersVolume 19Number 11

Lilienthal, G., Poelina, A., Syaikhon, D., & Syaikhon, M. (2024). ‘Aboriginal Women’s Complaints:  Ignored in Judicial Discourse’, in Gary Lilienthal (ed.), Critical Women’s Issues, Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp.273-317

Chinna, N., & Poelina, A., (2024). Tossed Up By the Beak of a Cormorant: Poems of Martuwarra Fitzroy River. Fremantle Press Inc., North Fremantle, Western Australia, ISBN 9781760992804.

Poelina, A., Webb, B., Wooltorton, S., & Godden, N. (2024). Waking up the Snake: Ancient wisdom for regeneration. Nulungu Books. 2.

Riveroflife, M., Poelina, A., & Perdrisat, M. (2024). Ancient Wisdom Dreaming a Climate Chance. Traditional Knowledge and Climate Change. 10.1007/978-981-99-8830-3_1.

Sangha, K. K., Dinku, Y., Costanza, R., & Poelina, A. (2024). A comprehensive analysis of well-being frameworks applied in Australia and their suitability for Indigenous peoples. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, 19(1).

Knight, K., Poelina, A., & Wooltorton, S. (2024). Regenerative Learning: Hearing Country and Music for Healing People, Place, and Planet. Traditional Knowledge and Climate Change. 10.1007/978-981-99-8830-3_11.

Poelina, A., Bagnall, D., Graham, M., Williams, R., Yunkaporta, T., Marshall, C., Diop, S., Samnakay, N., Maloney, M., & Davis, M. (2024). Declaration of Peace for Indigenous Australians and Nature: A Legal Pluralist Approach to First Laws and Earth Laws. Springer Nature Singapore. 10.1007/978-981-99-9327-7.

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