Mardoowarra is the Nyikina name of the river now known as the Fitzroy in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. This site will tell you about us, the Indigenous people of the valley, our culture and way of life, our language, and our hopes and desires. These pages will also demonstrate our opposition to large-scale mining on our lands which will seriously damage our ‘River Of Life’.
Mardoowarra is central to our sense of place and identity. Extensive mining will cause severe detrimental change in the region’s ecosystems - our Country and hence our culture and our life. We are not against sensitive development based on adequate information and our informed consent.
We the people of the valley invite you to learn about us and the challenges we face, as well as what we are doing to help ourselves. We hope you will understand our problems, our fears, our wishes, our plans to create sustainable livelihoods, and we ask for your support.