
Buru Energy

Buru Energy is planning to use the controversial process of fracking in five gas wells between Broome and Derby.

Buru's 2010 fracking program took place on the traditional country of the Yawuru people of Broome and surrounds. Following this fracking program, Yawuru Chairman Patrick Dodson said that Yawuru people are opposed to fracking on Yawuru country until they can be satisfied that it doesn't pose a risk. It's a position that remains unchanged.

But with fracking essential to extracting most Canning Basin gas, an Indigenous veto would seem highly unlikely. Mr Dodson acknowledges that traditional owners do not have legal power to influence fracking in the Kimberley.

"We don't have the capacity to stop these things from happening, but we do have a responsibility to make sure our people are given the best opportunity to make free, prior and informed consent over proposals on their land."

Read ABC article no. 1 [online]

Read ABC article no. 2 [online]


Shale Gas and Coal Seam Gas

"Some people herald it as the start of a new dawn, and others condemn it as a potential environmental disaster.

I am talking of course about shale gas and shale oil, produced by hydraulic fracturing — known by its shorthand as “fracking.” With every new technology there are winners and losers, benefits and costs."

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"The new "Saudi" in the US is far more important than that country's fiscal cliff and will hit existing energy producers such as the Middle East and Australia.

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The online activist group GetUp has created an interactive map showing all
the coal seam gas reserves and mining wells across the country.

What is fracking? [ PDF 3.3 MBs ]

Access the map here -

More information on gas fracking -


Coal seam gas wells south of Chinchilla in south-west Queensland. (AAP)