PLEASE NOTE:  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.


Nyikina Cultural Centre

Through his (story) the mapping, division and forcible alienation of Aboriginal people from their country and land has meant that many aspects of knowledge has been lost to the repeat and insidious intention of such action.

The concept of the Nyikina Cultural Centre is as all cultural centres are for Aboriginal communities and their relatedness with travellers, associated services and as a service to protect country and culture. Specifically, our daily activity and the information we generate as users of the internet can assist in the establishment, funding, development and growth of the Nyikina Cultural Centre beginning as simply as 'place based' naming.

Note: This is a concept and serves the purpose of building awareness as to how important it is that we strategically point to country when growing our connections with others. The principals of geo-tagging information is the main driver of this post.

This is how you can assist in bringing this concept to a physical reality:

  • Social Media - geotag all posts that relate in any way to Aboriginal news or community activity to the Nyikina Cultural Centre, cnr Derby Highway and Derby Gibb River Road, Derby 6728 Western Australia  -17.344403, 123.665855 ....there maybe many more "hubs" and associated centres that the community is in control of.
  • Connect - Join the Nyikina Cultural Centre group on Facebook and tell us what you know about that location and it's significance for you and your community - what other ideas do you have to grow awareness of what is needed on country?:
  • Maps - build maps personally that use the internet to point to that geolocation  at the Nyikina Cultural Centre, cnr Derby Highway and Derby Gibb River Road, Derby 6728 Western Australia  -17.344403, 123.665855 and 'pin' digital artefacts such as photos to that location
  • Attribution - in papers, documents, books, email correspondence and in all other activities that are transmitted via the digital domain and Internet, consider how you can include the following in that transcript.

Nyikina Cultural Centre, cnr Derby Highway and Derby Gibb River Road, Derby 6728 Western Australia  -17.344403, 123.665855

Over time all of this activity generates an interest in a location that will soon be known as the main reference point for the Nyikina Cultural Centre as endorsed by the Nyikina community in derby and supported in kind and activity by members of Madjulla Inc.

Geolocation specific activity builds awareness and knowledge where largely information posted to the internet benefits the organisations who monitor our personal and collective activity only. This initiative however proactively creates interest via self generated activity that then brings about positive change and awareness - actionist principles at work!