Martuwarra, RiverOfLife, Poelina A, McDuffie M, Perdrisat M (2023) Martuwarra Fitzroy River Watershed: One society, one river law. PLOS Water 2(9): e0000104. 10.1371/journal.pwat.0000104
Turnbull, Shann & Stoianoff, Natalie & Poelina, Prof. (2023). Polycentric self-governance and Indigenous knowledge. Journal of Behavioural Economics and Social Systems. 5. 10.54337/ojs.bess.v5i1.8138.
Poelina, A., Toussaint, S., & Muecke, S. (2023). "Why can't we speak up for Ourselves?": 'Water Futures and Ethnographic Provocations'. Oceania, 93(3), 366-376.
Poelina, A., Paradies, Y., Wooltorton, S., Guimond, L., Jackson-Barrett, L., & Blaise, M. (2023). Indigenous philosophy in environmental education. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 39(3), 269–278. doi:10.1017/aee.2023.28
Poelina, A., Paradies, Y., Wooltorton, S., Mulligan, E. L., Guimond, L., Jackson-Barrett, L., & Blaise, M. (2023). Learning to care for Dangaba. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 39(3), 375–389. doi:10.1017/aee.2023.30
Poelina, A., Perdrisat, M., Wooltorton, S., & Mulligan, E. L. (2023). Feeling and Hearing Country as Research Method. Environmental Education Research, 29(10), 1486–1501.
Wooltorton, S. & Poelina, A. (2023). Habitat. Handbook of the Anthropocene. 10.1007/978-3-031-25910-4_173