
Traditional owners warned of coal mining 'risks'

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A university researcher has advised traditional owners in the Kimberley not to approve coal mines on their land, until more is known about the environmental impact of the project.

A local Aboriginal corporation commissioned the independent study to explore the risks of mining coal in the Canning Basin.

Rey Resources has applied for a licence to build its Duchess Paradise coal mine, almost 200 kilometres south-east of Derby, near the Fitzroy River.

Peter Cooke from the University of WA says his research reveals a gaping hole in information about how the mine would affect Kimberley land and river systems.

"My study was not intended to say yes go ahead or don't go ahead," he said.

"It was intended to bring forward the risks of the coal mining and really the conclusion and the recommendation that my study came to was that at this stage we don't know enough in order to give an informed decision." Read the Report

Broome woman Anne Poelina has lodged an objection to Rey Resources being granted a mining licence for the coal project.  

The objection will be heard in the Wardens Court today.