Rey Resources faces objections to mining lease in Mining Warden’s Court
Tuesday 31 January - Investors Warned off Controversial Coal Project
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Rey Resources faces objections to mining lease in Mining Warden’s Court
Tuesday 31 January - Investors Warned off Controversial Coal Project
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March 25 2011
The mining company Rey Resources has applied for permission to mine coal and uranium in a large area of the lands of Nyikina people, centred on what wasLower Liveringa Station, but extending into the Great Sandy Desert and endangering Mardoowarra itself. The current application refers only to the Duchess Paradise Resource, but as this development is intended to generate finance for further exploration and extraction, the full extent of Rey Resources' proposals can be seen on these maps.
Submissions about the proposal close on 25 April 2011. The processes of approval should include more consultations with the people of the valley and consideration of the greater importance of its natural ecosystems. Mardoowarra flows through an area which has been earmarked for Heritage Listing and its natural and ecological values should be protected and nurtured for all future generations, including all Australians and overseas visitors.
April 27 2011
The Mining Warden has recommended that the application be approved. Definitive Feasibility Study (advanced work) is due to begin in June 2011.
June 6 2011
Rey Resources announcement on ASX : (first page only)
"Maiden coal reserve at Duchess Paradise"
" Initial Coal Reserve estimate in upper (P1) seam of 26.3 Mt
Mine plan currently allows 10 year life and sales at approximately 2Mt pa
DFS on track for completion in June 2011
Drilling due to start in June has the objectives of expanding shallow
reserves by converting Inferred resources to reserves, defining
potential underground reserves and exploring new outcrop areas
Rey Resources Limited (ASX: REY; “Rey Resources”) is pleased to announce its maiden
reserve for the potential Duchess Paradise thermal coal project. The reserve statement is
based upon part of the Measured and Indicated resources of the upper (P1) seam and
follows the resource up-date of the P1 seam at Duchess Paradise in April 2011 and further
mine planning as part of the DFS.
“The calculation of a thermal coal reserve is considered a major step in bringing us closer to
an initial mining operation at Duchess Paradise, subject to the DFS outcomes and regulatory
and other approvals,” said Rey Resources’ Managing Director, Kevin Wilson.
Rey Resources engaged Marshall Miller & Associates, Inc. (“MM&A”) to prepare a coal
resource estimate for the P1 coal seam in the Duchess Paradise area in the northwest of
Western Australia, which was completed in March 2011. Subsequently, MM&A were also
engaged to prepare a statement of coal reserves based on the resource, consistent with
JORC guidelines."
In July 2022 Professor Stephen Muecke and his doctoral Research Assistant, Jennifer Eadie from the University of Notre Dame, spent time on the River Country with members of Yurmulun (Pandanus Park) and Balginjirr communities to conduct the Feasibility Study of the Martuwarra Walking Track.
The Martuwarra Fitzroy River is Western Australia’s largest River and largest listed Aboriginal cultural heritage site. It has been cared for by First Law and Indigenous land management practices for millennia. Over the last 150 years, it has experienced multi-scalar damage from agriculture, mining and invasive species. Interventive measures are now required to improve the health of the River and the communities that live along it’s banks.
A submission to the Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples on: Indigenous Women and the Development, Application, Preservation and Transmission of Scientific Knowledge available at Figshare
Professor Anne Poelina, Dr Magali McDuffie and Dr Alexander Hayes have completed and lodged a submission to the United Nations Human Rights 'Special Procedures', Indigenous Peoples and Civil Society, attention of the Special Rappoteur on toxics and human rights.